Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mais um teste besta

Só pra passar o tempo e deixar o Lone Wolf com raivinha. hihihi

No filme Tropa de Elite:

Good News First


The best we can agree on
Is it could have been worse
What happen to your old
Benevolent universe?
You know the one with stars
That revolve around you
Beaming down full of promises
To bring good news

You used to feel that way
The saddest words you could ever say
But I know you'll remember that day
And the most beautiful words I could ever say

The worst thing about it all
Is that you've never been right
And I'm still not really sure
What started that fight
But I still get this feeling
There's more trouble ahead
So never mind the bad news
Let's have the good news instead

Some would said they never fear a thing
Well I do
And I'm afraid enough for both of us
For me and you
Time, if nothing else, will do it's worst
So do me that favor
And tell me the good news first

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Which member of The Who are you?

You are John Entwistle! Congrats! You're not very well known, but in reality, you are an excellent bassist and talented musician! You have nicknames such as "The Ox" and "Thunder Fingers." You are one of the world's greatest bassists! While the rest of the band was blowing money they didn't have, the only money you spent all week was on a lunch. You died of a cocaine-triggered heart attack, but we still love you!You like acid, alot. You might seemed very quiet and reserved on the outside, but underneath that leather-clad exterior, you are an amusing, intelligent person with a dark sense of humor. You get along well with everyone, even if you don't like them that much. And you're in it for the music, which is the best part. Keep up the good work!
Take this quiz!

lets dance! :D

Monday, October 08, 2007

Tears of the Dragon

(Bruce Dickinson)
For too long now, there were secrets in my mind
For too long now, there were things I should have said
In the darkness...i was stumbling for the door
To find a reason - to find the time, the place, the hour

Waiting for the winter sun, and the cold light of day
The misty ghosts of childhood fears
The pressure is building, and I cant stay away

I throw myself into the sea
Release the wave, let it wash over me
To face the fear I once believed
The tears of the dragon, for you and for me

Where I was, I had wings that couldnt fly
Where I was, I had tears I couldnt cry
My emotions frozen in an icy lake
I couldnt feel them until the ice began to break

I have no power over this, you know Im afraid
The walls I built are crumbling
The water is moving, Im slipping away...

I throw myself into the sea
Release the wave, let it wash over me
To face the fear I once believed
The tears of the dragon, for you and for me

Slowly I awake, slowly I rise
The walls I built are crumbling
The water is moving, Im slipping away...
Peguei o livro do Harry Potter emprestado e já li.
Achei chato.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Free Burma

Free Burma!

"Está na Wikipédia .Mianmar é a antiga Birmânia ou, Burma, país asiático que faz fronteira com China,Laos, Tailândia, Cambodja, Bangladesh e é um dos países mais pobres da Ásia. Mianmar é governada por uma junta militar há 45 anos e não tem eleições desde 1990. Em meados de agosto, o governo militar de Mianmar dobrou os preços dos combustíveis sem aviso,gerando protestos de trabalhadores e universitários. No começo de setembro monges foram feridos durante as manifestações e o governo fechou o mais famoso templo religioso da capital. A aliança de Todos os Monges exigiu um pedido de desculpas do governo, o que não ocorreu. Os monges resolveram fazer novas passeatas pacíficas com apoio de civis.Em 26 de setembro a violência dos militares tomou proporções absurdas. Ao mesmo há muito tempo a junta militar ataca áreas de minorias étnicas. Retira, persegue e executa civis. A situação do país se agravou como um todo. O governo impos toque de recolher, houve mortes. O blogueiro Ko Htike, nascido em Burma e que mora em Londres, publica fotos sobre a repressão em seu blog. Mianmar cortou o acesso a Internet. O mundo todo, porém,tem acesso ao que acontece pela própria rede.
Em apoio a monges budistas e civis de Mianmar, foi criado a ação 'International Bloggers' Day for Burma', hoje todos os blogs que aderiram ao movimento publicarão este mesmo post-imagem. O slogan é 'One blogpost for Burma'. "

Fonte: Querido Leitor

Assinatura número 3638! :)
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